Citizen science, Surveys, Wildlife

Moth Trapping – What’s in your garden?

By Bethany Brooks As the nights get warmer and you spend more time outside in the evenings, you might notice that you are not alone around your bright glowing lights. Moths come out at dusk and are attracted to bright lights and anything sugary – like wine, juice or fruit that you might have outside… Continue reading Moth Trapping – What’s in your garden?

Citizen science, Surveys

Wetland Bird Survey (WeBs)

by Lorraine Here at FSC Millport we take part in collecting data for The Wetland Bird Survey (WeBS) which monitors non-breeding waterbirds in the UK. This Project is run by the British Trust for Ornithology and is conducted on a monthly basis. British Trust for Ornithology found here: WeBS surveyors monitor the UK's internationally… Continue reading Wetland Bird Survey (WeBs)