Monthly summaries

November ’21 in a nutshell

In November, we saw our busiest teaching season of the year quieten down. Over winter, we turn our focus internally, working on the centre and preparing it for the next year and wrapping up a few reports and applications. But more about this in December. Aurora borealis © Christina Sinclair Let’s recap to the beginning… Continue reading November ’21 in a nutshell

Monthly summaries

October ’21 in a nutshell

October this year brought along a lot of changes. Gradually, temperatures decreased, leaves gave up on photosynthesis and dropped down, annuals died out, and some animals embarked on their winter migration. We saw large flocks of greylag geese passing by, and arriving on the island other waterfowl, such as eider ducks, goosanders and red-breasted mergansers,… Continue reading October ’21 in a nutshell